This trip was absolutely amazing and I cannot thank everyone at Hills of Africa enough for planning it for us! If I had to choose my favorite part of the trip (and there were many) it would be the visit to Gotu Village and the Kachuru Primary School. It was so touching to see the people and especially the children. They were so excited to see us and let us put stickers on their hands (and some faces too)!

The school visit was quite overwhelming for me and I cried at seeing their school and what they have to deal with on a daily basis. The one thing I did take away is that they are a very happy people and very welcoming to strangers. The headmaster was grateful for all the school supplies that my kids’ classes had collected and was amazed at how much we had brought for them. We made a monetary donation as a group to the school and also to a recent widow in the village.

Another experience that was tops for me was what I call the Morning Animal Symphony at Joys Camp. Every morning at about 4:30 the birds and animals were waking up and the noises were unbelievable!!!!! I taped them and have listened to them quite often since I have gotten back. It really makes me smile.

Thank you for the trip of a lifetime! My husband and I plan on taking the kids there when they are older and although I did get to see the Big 5 I have to get back and see a cheetah!